This is the logo chosen by residents to be placed on the Creekside East welcome packet..
The Creekside East Social Committee is asking for your help in selecting a logo that will be placed in a "Welcome Packet" for new residents moving into Creekside East. Creekside is working collaboratively with the Colony High Graphics Department to refresh the Creekside East logo. The four logos were designed by Colony High student, Jordan Michalski. Please head over to the Creekside East Exchange Facebook page to vote on your favorite. Voting will end April 6th. We are hoping to have a final refreshed logo design to present at the April 9th Home Owners Association Board meeting. Your help with this matter is greatly appreciated. On behalf of the Creekside East Social Committee, we wish to thank you in advance for your assistance in coming up with a final selection.
Creekside East Exchange Facebook page |